September 2017 : M.A. student in Graphic Design, Pars University, Tehran
May 2016 : B.A. in photography in, Payame noor University, Shiraz
June 2000 : Associate Degree in Graphic Design at the Art department of technical college, Shiraz
August 1997 : High School Diploma in Graphic at Al-Zahra Art School, Shiraz
August 2019 : “Context is everything, montage too” of Elis Cortina Summeracademy.AT, Slzburg, Austria
October 2018 : Basic Fares and ticketing, Parto Aviation Center, Tehran
October 2005 : Photography in Shiraz Photography Association
2008 – up to date
Working as a head-photographer for Mahtab studio
Photographer of a TV show “Iranian Match”
Photographer of a TV show “Talk”
Photographer of a seminar of “Mass House Contructors and Contractors of Teran`s District 1”
2017- 2019
Graphic designer in Naghsh Avar company,
Photographer in Kadro company (online photography projects)
Photographer in Nicaragua embassy (photography projects).Tehran,Iran
2005 – 2008
graphic designer for Khabar news paper, Shiraz
2004 – 2005
head of photography studio of Shiraz Soureh University
2001 – 2004
Graphic designer in Alavi Cultural Institute.
2000 – 2001
Teaching graphics and painting courses in Talash Secondary Schoo and Andisheh High School
Teaching painting to children in Talash Kindergarden
August 2019 : International fine art exhibition of SUMMERACADEMTY.AT
August 2016 : International Painting Symposium “NOVUM 2016”, Iža, Slovakia
May 2013 : Photography Exhibition, group show in Fars Art Gallery, Shiraz
September 2011 : Photography, Solo exhibition show in Iranian Artist Forum, Tehran
April 2011 : Photography Exhibition, group show of Tassvir Sal festival, Tehran
April 2011 : Photography Exhibition, group show in Art department of Shiraz
January 2010 : Photography exhibition, group show in Shiraz Artists Gallery
June 2002 : Graphic exhibition, group showpack in Abgineh Gallery, Shiraz
April 2001 : Graphic exhibition, group show, painting in Abgineh Gallery, Shiraz
Membership in National Iranian Photographer’s association
Membership in Shiraz Photographer’s association
Persian (Mother tongue)
Studio photography, portrait painting, team-working, Microsoft office, professional Photoshop software, edition softwares
2011,2012, February :Publish and selected photos in Tassvir Sal festival and print In Tassvir Sal magazine, Tehran
2010, August : Publish and selected photos in Shiraz photographer’s society
2001, December : Publish and selected photos in Graphic design as university award, Art department of technical college of Shiraz, Iran